The Importance of Working with a Recruiter in Your IT Job Search

For IT professionals seeking new positions, a job search is a necessary process. The process itself involves many stressful components that include searching for job openings, preparing for interviews and then finally negotiating a compensation package. One way to reduce the stress and anxiety of a job search is to have an expert in your corner: a professional recruiter. So, how important is it to work with a professional recruiter during your IT job search?

The Top Benefits of Working with a Recruiter 

Expert Advice on Resume and Interview Preparation

More than 250 resumes will be submitted for every corporate job opening. From this pile of over 250 resumes, 4 to 6 candidates will be interviewed, and 1 will be offered the job.” With statistics like these, it’s imperative that your resume is in the best possible shape to stand out from the competition. A recruiter can provide a candidate with valuable resume tips. Tips include the proper industry format and right buzzwords that will make a resume truly shine. Also, a professional recruiter can help prepare candidates for interviews. This preparation can significantly increase the chances the interview will be successful.

The Ability to Help Candidates Find the Right Placement

Professional recruiters have the necessary industry knowledge and expertise which allows them to match a candidate with a company correctly. Recruiters take the time to read a candidate’s resume and learn about a candidate’s background including future aspirations ensuring that the position a candidate is placed in will move their career forward in the future.

Industry Connections: Access to Jobs Not Publicly Posted

Many companies today are forgoing in-house recruiting divisions, instead opting to seek outside recruiting services. This shift away from in-house recruiters is occurring for two reasons. The first, companies want recruiters who have a diverse reach. Secondly, in-house recruiters can cost a lot in overhead, cutting into corporate budgets. By utilizing outside recruiters, organizations can better budget recruiting and hiring expenses. Due to this change in recruiting strategy, many job openings now go straight to contracted recruiters, thus ensuring that many job postings never find their way to a corporate website or job board. This is especially true for more senior IT and IT executive level positions.

Market Knowledge To Ensure Smooth Negotiations and Top Compensation

Compensation negotiations are challenging events, which if not executed correctly can cause negative results. Since these negotiations are so crucial to success, it is best to have a professional negotiating on your behalf. Recruiters know how to handle negotiations properly and how to keep them on track if they hit a snag. Also, with their years of experience placing candidates, coupled with their industry knowledge, recruiters know their market. Thus, candidates who work with professional recruiters are much more likely to receive offers that are in-line with market conditions.

Moving Forward

A job search is a long, complicated process. One of the best ways to combat this laborious process is to have a professional recruiter in your corner.  At Open Systems, we are experts in working with and placing candidates in the tech industry, at all stages of their careers. Contact us today to learn more!


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