Keys To Improving Your Coding Skills

Great software developers are not just born that way, they continuously work on developing and improving their coding skills. They understand every aspect of software development and project management and are both team players and independent workers. They have honed their skills to write elegant and effectively developed codes that are versatile and expandable.

Here are four keys to improving your coding skills that you can start immediately.

Practice. And then Practice More Code Writing.

It’s quite simple and practical: to keep your coding skills sharp, keep writing code and then write it again. Start with writing large, complex programs. This will help you identify where you make repetitive mistakes. Soon you’ll learn how to identify and proactively avoid these errors. Writing shortcode is a great way to learn how to write quickly. Actually timing yourself for shortcode experiments is a great learning activity that allows you to measure your proficiency.

Modify and Refractor Programs

Modify a part of code and see what happens to the software. By practicing code modification, you can better identify any bugs you’re trying to fix. Refactoring is a step beyond modification of code. With refactoring, you improve a program without actually changing the functionality of it. Start by changing the name of a variable or the type of variable. Eventually, you’ll be converting inline code into a method or function. The goal of refactoring is to determine if there’s a better way to write the code or improve the code without changing the functionality or front-end of the program.

Find a Mentor

In the coding field, there’s always going to be someone with more experience and more knowledge. Whether you’re just out of college or it’s your 5th year, you need a mentor who will be honest with you about your skills and the quality of your writing. Mentor’s have the experience to give you feedback and suggestions that may change how you approach your work.

Stay Connected

The tech community, and in particular the coding community loves to share and learn from each other. There are vast amounts of blogs, books and industry websites that are current on coding trends. Just when you think you don’t need to keep learning, then become a mentor. You’ll discover a fresh perspective by teaching others, and often learning along the way.

Coders, Software Development Positions are in Demand

You’ve taken the first step by wanting to increase your coding skills. The next step is to take your career to the next level. Even if you are just pondering a career move, it’s time to contact the IT professionals at Open Systems, Inc. (OSI). Our experienced IT recruiters stay informed on the IT skills needed to advance your career as well as the most current positions that fit your needs. Contact the IT recruiters at OSI today!


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