What Jobs are in High Demand in the Tech Industry?

In 2018, the tech industry is experiencing much growth and many changes. Employment models are transitioning (contract, remote work) and skills sets are evolving. So, how does a tech worker chart their professional course in this constantly changing environment? Know What Jobs Are In-Demand For tech professionals, preparation is critical. Tech workers should be aware… Read more »

How to Match Newbies With Mentors to Bridge the Skills Gap

It’s no surprise that mentoring programs can provide a wide range of benefits to both mentees and mentors. Mentoring programs can offer a good deal of benefit to organizations as well. Companies that incorporate mentoring programs into their corporate identity are proven to have happier, more fulfilled employees. Moreover, these employees are less likely to… Read more »

Are You Asking the Right Questions Regarding Internet of Things (IoT)?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is experiencing phenomenal growth. According to Theo Priestley, technology strategist, and Forbes contributor, by 2020, there will be 50 billion connected devices, which calculates to a $19 trillion [business] opportunity.  With IoT becoming such an industry driver, how do organizations prepare for this technology shift? The Must Ask IoT Questions… Read more »