In today’s business world, data is king. Companies are finding ways to utilize many different types of data to enhance business operations and drive cost savings. So, with such an emphasis on data what are the current trends to watch for in 2018?
Data Trends to Watch for in 2018
Data Trend # 1: It’s all About Privacy and Data Management
With recent news headlines regarding the misuse and management of data by Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, data privacy has become a considerable concern. Additionally, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) goes into effect on May 25, 2018. The GDPR requires most companies with personal data of persons in the EU to have data privacy officers (DPO.) These DPOs are responsible for the oversight and protection of PII (personally identifiable information) and will become more prevalent as other countries strengthen their privacy regulations.
Data Trend # 2: Using Unstructured Data
Up until recently, unstructured data got lost. This was in large part due to this information being too vast and complicated to process. However, with new tools such as Hadoop Appliance, businesses now have the necessary capabilities to process this unstructured, once lost, data.
Data Trend #3: New Corporate Roles Being Created
The data trend is driving the creation of new corporate positions, such as a Chief Data Officer (CDO) and a Data Curator.
The CDO is a newer C-level role. CDO’s are in charge of creating an organization’s digital strategy. It’s the CDO’s job to oversee the policies and utilization of data within their organizations.
The Data Curator reviews how organizations are using data and what type of analysis is being conducted. Their role is to prevent multiple, similar projects with the same data occurring over several business segments in the same organization.
Data Trend # 4: Data Goes Mobile
Data is everywhere, even on the go. Furthermore, new mobile apps, especially for data practice areas such as Business Intelligence, have grown significantly over the last year. Companies who use mobile data apps get their information in a more timely, organized fashion. Thus, they can harness data and drive results within their organizations more quickly.
Moving Forward
Data is becoming a significant business driver. The ways companies are collecting and using data are changing rapidly. When the time comes to re-think the way your organization uses data or to hire professionals skilled in the art of data, consult the experts at Open Systems. At Open Systems, we have the connections and talent to deliver our clients candidates who can help harness their organization’s data and drive results.