Remote work has changed the game for most employers. Giving employees more flexible work options and creating an environment that provides employees with more autonomy is one of the best ways to recruit and retain top talent. While technology advancements have made it easier for remote workers to be able to collaborate with their teams, it can… Read more »
Get Set Up for Success on Your Second Interview

Congratulations on making it to your second interview! Now that you’ve got one interview behind you, you might be feeling both more confident and more anxious. You’ve already proved yourself in some regard, but now you now that the stakes are even higher. Here’s what to focus on and plan for to have your most… Read more »
Hiring Passive Talent To Fill Your Engineering Needs
Finding passive talent to fill your positions is one of the most underrated sources of recruitment. But, as the name implies, passive talent isn’t out there hunting for jobs the way that active job seekers are, making them harder to find. Other times, you might stumble on an impressive past resume or current LinkedIn profile… Read more »
Career Spotlight: Renewable Energy Engineer
Renewable energy has been the subject of increased attention and excitement in recent years. More and more focus is being placed on the importance of renewable energy sources for the continued success of cultures and economies worldwide. In addition to being an important social focus, the emphasis on renewable energy has helped to create more job… Read more »
Struggling to Hire Good Developers? Here is What You Might be Doing Wrong
Hiring good developers can be critical to your organization. But many organizations struggle with hiring the right people and wondering what your business might be doing wrong? Here’s what to avoid: Don’t look at education only: A well-known school or graduate degree doesn’t necessarily tell you if a candidate will be good at a job. Remember that… Read more »
In-Demand IT Ops SKills You Should Be Developing
As a candidate, there are likely many things you bring to the table, and the best employers know that candidates are more than just a resume. But having the right skills and experience on your resume can help you get noticed and start the process of engaging with an organization. If you want to make… Read more »
Recruiting and Retaining Software Engineers For The Long Haul
Hiring can be expensive, time-consuming, and difficult. That’s why you need to take steps to shorten your hiring cycle and foster the kind of environment that’s not only desirable by new hires but also supportive of long-time team members. If you want to reduce hiring costs and turn down turnover, focus on these areas. To… Read more »
Hot IT Jobs: Python Programming Career Guide
The Python programming language continues to be one of the most popular coding languages and is at the top of any employer’s lists as “need to have” knowledge. Here’s what you should know about starting or advancing a Python programming career. What are the career opportunities for Python-versed engineers? Python experts have several diverse and exciting careers… Read more »
How to Effectively Conduct a Confidential Search For a New IT Executive
Having the right leadership at the helm of your business can help your company achieve long term success. Finding the right technical executives, like CIOs, can be both a mission-critical and sensitive task. As imperative as it is to focus on finding the right IT executive, keeping your search quiet is also important. Some businesses… Read more »
Should I Take the Contract? Key Things to Consider Before Accepting a New IT Contract Position
A contract job could be a step towards a fulltime job, a boost for your resume, or a flexible career opportunity all on its own. While contract work has a lot of benefits, candidates should still think through all the difference between being a contractor and an employee before making a decision. Benefits: Many contract… Read more »